Dreams in Progress

  • I want to discover a new novel algorithm. I really admire the RSA algorithm, PageRank, the Bitcoin Consensus Algorithm. They changed the world in so many ways.

    I think material science is cool, because creating new materials (e.g. plastics) can alter our lives in so many different ways.

    You can probably guess what I want to see in the world right now: an algorithm to find new materials.

Dreams that Died

  • Starting a startup with my hackathon team
  • Being an educational speaker on TED

Dreams That Came True

  • Making a Lego Death Star with my own pieces (cause the real set was too pricy)

  • Building a redstone calculator to honour Minecraft YouTubers I looked up to (Properinglish19 and bennyscube)

  • Exploring far-flung college campuses with my hackathon team

  • landing my first job!

  • And getting into my dream school

Dreams for the Future

  • Attend a Taylor Swift dance party
  • To own two dishwashers: One for clean dishes and one for dirty
  • To experience the other side of the fence and mentor an intern 🙂